Dreaming of Summer with flip-flops and frozen drinks!

Producer Michele says "Michael get that shot before it melts! ".

Studio intern Robyn in the wings to help with damage control: real ice, real water!

"Keep can upright"? When all else fails, bypass the warning label on the "Dust Off" for frosting up the ice.

Prepping for Shot 1: Check back later for the final ad!
Shot 2: It's not easy finding a good pair of feet these days, just ask producer Michele!



Final Ad
Shot 3: Remember the tongue casting? Art Director Kevin Barlow making sure it matches his layout.
(see post below)



Final Ad

Creative Director Tim Foley and the team (including Sparky the cat- circled in red above) reviewing the shots.

See what happens when you have extra time on your hands waiting for the product... Creative Director Tim and Art Buyer Amy Rappeport having a little fun!
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