Monday, May 23, 2011

The Science of a Photo Shoot

Finally! There was a reason why high school chemistry existed, other than to lower student GPAs and cause schools across the country to be evacuated,  as Michael Indresano Studio went back to CHEM 101 and morphed into a research lab for a few days.

Fortunately this was not shot using film and processing it using chemicals, but we could have pulled it off by just going into the kitchen and creating our own darkroom.

After being sworn to Manhattan Project levels of secrecy, Michael and the rest of the team donned white lab coats and methodically created some wonderful images that the client was very happy with - and yes, the studio is still in one piece.

Hair and makeup artist, Heidi Wells, is careful not let any stray powder mix with the solution in the beakers.

There is no such thing as a "strange light" in a photo studio.

The entire creative team looks over the images.