First on set, one of our in-house mascots, Sparky.
"hmmm, a comfy spot for a cat nap"

Art Director Keith Manning from our agency,
Fort Franklin,
giving Michael direction on how to act like someone with OCD. Act?

Copywriter Phil Hensen thinking about something entirely different (like... copy).

Keith and Phil, what a team, and they iron too???
Tui Stark, stylist from Ennis, precisely prepping props!
How many props can the prop prepper prep?

Due to the hard work of our innovative producer Michele,
believe it or not, the laundry room was created in our studio!

Phil just got another bright idea!

Michael too, "Maybe I should iron my socks at home!"

Tui, where did you get these digs? Big and Tall or just BIG!
Michele says, don't worry Michael, we can clamp them in the back!

Keith and Phil may have come up with the creative concept,
however, that's Michele behind the camera, choosing the perfect steam moment.