Art buyer Amy Rappeport chose Michael as the perfect collaborator for the Zip Car project, soon to be unveiled.
Keep your eyes open for a jar full of cash
soon to be appearing in Harvard Square!
(SEE BELOW...just added)

Michael with Kevin Barlow (Art Director) and Jonathan Braun (Project Coordinator) arranging the loot.

Look out for those hands....

The shot in process

Kevin with digital imaging artist/retoucher Chris Donovan strategically arranging the cash to ensure a seamless graphic wrap-around for the final output. (Jonathan is looking on.)

Cha..ching, cha..ching, Foxwoods here we come!

Inside Art Director Kevin Barlow's brain.

This jar will be magically filled.......

Now, if we could share this magic, we could solve the world economic crisis!

The final shot in Harvard Square